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The horses Comfort Gut has helped...


The National Horse and Pony Network
What a fantastic product! I have a greedy cob that can exist on thin air. Spring grass, new grazing and summer days spent pigging out were all a worry to me. Branston just doesn't know when to stop eating which has resulted in gassy colic episodes in the past. I was advised to try activated charcoal, which to be honest I was a bit sceptical about.

Branston no longer comes in from grazing with an extended stomach and excess wind. He is comfortable and happy. More to the point I have had no more episodes of gassy colic since I started using Comfort Gut. Highly recommended.
Gillian Brennan
Just started using comfort gut after it was recommended by an equine dentist. I had put my mares problems down to her getting older and the richness of her haylage. We have been using comfort gut for nearly a month now and she is so much happier especially after eating.

Her tummy has stopped gargling and she is not as moody and best of all no more messy legs and tail!! Wish I had found out about this stuff sooner.
Emma and Don Ron De La Bovverie
Key Gut Problem - Bloating

Emma says, 'Dull coat, weight loss, under the weather, bloated tummy - I knew there was something seriously wrong with Ron. His show jumping career was taking a back seat to his ill health. I was so glad when I found Comfort Gut. Just a simply powder to add to his feed, and the improvement came just days later.

Ron is now back on form. Thanks so much to Comfort Gut.'
Alix and Remi
Key Gut Problem - Scouring Alix says - This worked brilliantly for my foal who was scouring. Really recommend this.
Mairead and Silver
Owning a horse that's on such a high concentrated feed regime can only lead to one thing!! ULCERS!! and been stabled all year round can only lead to one thing when he is put out to grass yes that scouring but thankfully that has all stopped thanks to comfort gut now that his stomach is settled I can be sure that he is getting the goodness out of his feed and he can also now enjoy eating where as he was a fussy feeder before hand, thank you comfort gut just wish i had of known about it years ago

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